Upon meeting her, you sense that Andrea was always meant to be an artist. Her natural curiosity and rare energy evoke something unique and wholly creative. But it was only when she moved to New York that Andrea really began creating art. Primarily through self-portrait, she creates beautiful works of paint, photography and other mediums that explore identity, female sexuality and consumer culture. All familiar concepts, but through Andrea's eye, we see them through a far more enriching lens.
One of the creative women who continues to inspire us, we visited Andrea in her Brooklyn studio. Surrounded by her paintings, she spoke with us about her art, alter egos and simplicity as the ultimate sophistication.
What inspires you?
The past, present and the future.
How do you describe your art?
Has the same intention always underpinned your work?
Yes. My work is always about moving forward.
You work with various mediums, how does this serve your art?
The different subjects and themes I explore often require specific mediums to best serve and communicate the message of the work.
How does your body play the role of a medium?
As a self-portrait artist it’s integral but it’s not the whole picture. My work is more about exploring human emotions beyond the physical.
Are your self-portraits self-representative, or more revealing of an alter ego?
They are sometimes alter egos and sometimes a response to our culture and its messages. But they are always self-representative.
When beginning a new series, where do you start? How does the series grow from there?
My process is never consistent. I have so many ideas that it’s often a challenge to commit to just one. But once I commit, my work becomes consuming. Right now I’m working on a series of paintings for my upcoming solo exhibition, titled Holy Shit, with Garis & Hahn at their new Los Angeles gallery.
Who or what are your greatest influences?
The Northern Renaissance, Coco Chanel and Robert Mapplethorpe.
What was the last art piece or collection, by another artist, that moved you?
Death of the Virgin by Caravaggio. I recently saw it at the Louvre and was spellbound.

What do you listen to when you're working?
Everything. But a few favorites are Mozart, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Bowie, Dylan, Prince, and Nicki Minaj.
What do you wear?
Chanel No. 5.
Tell us about what you wore for this shoot.
Jeans, a Saint Laurent belt and Frances de Lourdes t-shirts (an obsession).
What is style, to you?
Good manners.
Has New York influenced your style, your work, who you are?
Absolutely. It wasn’t until after I moved to New York that I began making my art. The city’s energy motivates me and makes me a more passionate and determined woman and artist.
Will you be here forever?
I hope not, I enjoy travelling too much!
The best advice for life?
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” –Leonardo da Vinci (…a good night’s sleep and 3 liters of water a day)